A suitably pompous picture of yours truly
Gavin O'Sullivan
There's really only one place you can go when you leave University with a degree in English and History of Art. Thankfully I managed to find it.
Nearly 25 years later it hasn't quite lost its grip on me.
My approach to advertising whether it be digital, print or other is very simple. It's commerce not art. It's there to do a job for the client.
As a Creative Director it's my job to make sure that the work produced is brilliantly creative, unique and true to brief but also that it does the job that it sets out to do. It's never been easier to be creative for creative's sake, everyone has the tools at their disposal to ensure that these days. Because of that though it's never been more difficult to be brilliantly creative in the service of a client, day in and day out.
And that is where I can help.